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Company dissolution without winding-up procedure at the request of the Public prosecutor

Photo du rédacteur: Etude Maître Laurent RiesEtude Maître Laurent Ries

Luxembourg State's attorney is up from now entitled to request the Companies' Registrar to strike off any company without following any liquidation procedure (to the exclusion of any company in the financial area) if he gets informed that :

-the company has conducted or conducts any illegal activity or contravenes to any provisions out of the Companies' law (absence of publication of the annual accounts etc.) or the Commercial code, or

-operates without the appropriate business licence, and

-does not have employees nor activa

The company itself and any interested third party is likely to appeal this decision in front of the President of the Commercial Court during a month time following the publication of the decision with the LBR (Luxembourg Business Register).


Mentions légales

©2021 Etude Maître Laurent Ries
Etude Me Laurent Ries avec la collaboration de Madame Wiktoria KORNATOWSKA, ingénieur ès sc. Informatiques

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